workshop 9.-11. 9. 2024

ÚTIA AV ČR, Prague, Czech Republic

Image Analysis
in Nuclear Research

Explore the world of nuclear energy and optics. This workshop offers a unique opportunity to delve into the methods of digital image processing used in nuclear research. You will learn about the applications of classical algorithms and the architectures of neural networks and AI shaping current nuclear research and industrial applications. Discover the outputs of student projects and see how you can contribute to the advancement of nuclear research while enhancing your skills in digital image processing.

2 days of lectures and hands-on workshops

Excursion to the Research Center in Řež

Be a part of the future of nuclear energy!

Where: Institute of Information Theory and Automation (UTIA), Prague

When: 9.-11. 9. 2024

Prerequisities: Basic knowledge of Python and English is required.

Details: Complimentary food offerings

Accomodation: please contact us

Program Overview

Day 1: Monday, September 9

8:00 – 8:30


8:30 – 9:00

Lightning talks – CVŘ, ÚTIA

9:00 – 10:30

Nuclear Fuel Inspection

Operator's perspective, Fuel inspection

10: 30

Coffee Break

10:45 – 12:00

Image processing

Introduction to core approaches

12:00 - 13:00


13:00 - 14:30


Optical flow, COMPASsCO2 Project


Coffee Break

14:45 - 17:30

Hands-on sessions

Fuel Inspection Automation

19:00 -

Dinner and Evening Program

Day 2: Tuesday, September 10

8:30 – 9:00

Nuclear Research and Data Processing

9:00 – 10:30

Precipitates and Cracks Analysis Material research, SEM, Microstructural changes


Coffee Break

10:45 - 12:00

Neural networks for object detection



13:00 - 14:30

3D topics 3D point cloud acquisition, 3D representation for neural networks


Coffee Break

14:45 - 17:30

Hands-on sessions Micro-samples Analysis

Day 3: Wednesday, September 11

9:00 – 12:00

Excursion to CVŘ Facility

Note: This is a preliminary program and can be subject to change. Please check the website for the latest updates and detailed biographies of the speakers.


Speakers and Organizations

CVŘ s.r.o.: J. Blažek, J. Brom, R. Filip, P. Halodová, J. Knotek, M. Kopec, J. Lorinčík, J. Procházka,O. Srba

The Research Centre Řež s.r.o. represents an important research institution not only in the Czech Republic, but also within Europe and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. The main objective of the new research company, and subsequently its mission, became research, development and innovation in the energy sector, with a relatively broad scope, especially in the nuclear field.

ÚTIA AVČR: M. Bartoš, V. Hanousek, A. Harmanec, J Kamenický, J. Kotera, A. Novozámský , F. Šroubek, B. Zitová,

UTIA is a public non-university research institution which administratively falls under the Czech Academy of Sciences. UTIA conducts fundamental and applied research in computer science, signal and image processing, pattern recognition, system science, and control theory. UTIA is engaged in undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate education at CVUT and MFF UK.

MFF UK: V. Bláha, M. Mirbauer, J. Palášek, D. Sultanov

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University is a prominent academic institution in Prague, Czech Republic, known for its research and education in mathematics, physics, computer science, and related fields.

FZÚ AV: J. Kopeček

The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences is a leading research institution in the Czech Republic, focusing on a wide range of areas in physics, including condensed matter physics, optics, plasma physics, and particle physics. The institute is known for its significant contributions to both fundamental and applied research in these fields.

JADRO2024 Presentation

Materials from speakers
